Monday, March 1, 2010

Updated System for Lemur Optics

This is very close to my final system and signage for the branding of Lemur Optics, a fictional eyeglass company I invented. As I mentioned before, in my comm systems class each student drew out of hat, an animal, number, mineral, and two letters. Based on those results, we were to research and build concepts for a new brand. I picked Lemur, 22, Flint, and QT. I decided on an optics/eyeglass boutique. Lemurs have large inquisitive eyes, and carry fun and playful characteristics. The other three components I chose helped me to build a logo or a mark that will help reach my audience: young, intelligent, hip adults residing or visiting the town of Boston. The store would sit on Newbury Street, a sophisticated and heavily populated shopping area of Boston.


The System

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